Who is a Glass Child? I’ve written about being the Invisible Child, the Well Sibling, growing up in the shadow of my brother’s schizophrenia but I had never heard of the term “the glass child” before. Until 2023 when I started writing my memoir and searched online for stories about being the well sibling (also […]
Siblings of High Needs Children: Update on the Book.
I’ve done it. My book about growing up as the well sibling of a high needs child is completed. Well, not really. It’s in the hands of beta readers and even as I await their feedback, I’ve already got ideas on how to improve sections of the book. So, I’ll have a few more rounds […]
Oh, you really took the cake, 2024.
It’s been that kind of year. Alternating layers of dark and light. It started on Jan 3 with my eye/neurological issue that saw me admitted for an emergency 3-night hospital stay including a scary lumbar puncture and countless tests…with no conclusions as to why this happened, leaving me with some permanent vision loss in my […]
When My Estranged Father Died
15 Nov 2024. My father died on this day. It’s taken me a while to write this. I wish I could have found a photo of us, posted it and shared my grief with the world as soon as I heard. But I couldn’t. Not because I didn’t have any photos of him with me […]
World Mental Health Day 2024, You Might Just Be Proud Of Me.
Oh boy, and it’s October just like that. And it’s World Mental Health Day today. So Happy WMHD to you, and I hope you can find a little time today to breathe and do something nice for yourself. I’m not doing much for this year’s WMHD, normally I’d pick a topic to write up for […]
Mid-Century Musings!
It is kind of ironic how on a year that is rather significant, I did not do my usual birthday post. Well, if the beginning of the year, with my emergency hospital admission, is any indication, things this year are turning out in rather unexpected ways. Whether it is something big or small, it does […]
Talk about a dramatic start to the year!
It’s been less than a month into the new year and so much has already happened. I’m re-reading my 2023 recap now and once again, I am struck by the irony of it all. When I said that “I was concerned about the other shoe dropping”, gosh, I certainly didn’t realise it would be my […]
2023. Was it the same, old year?
Just like that, another year has flown by. After the nasty that was 2022, 2023 floated by peacefully for the first six months of the year. “Peaceful” is relative; there were things happening but because I had shut down after 2022, and had built my boundaries pretty high, I think I was just trying to […]
A Quick Note About The Radio Silence…
I have been totally slacking on writing articles for my blog, haven’t I? My last post, Will I Ever Be Okay, was on April 3rd?! Well, it’s only because I had decided, this year, that my writing focus would be on that book I have been meaning to write for the past few years, but […]
Will I Ever Be Okay?
I don’t know if I will ever be “okay”. Well, as far as society’s definition of what “okay” means, I guess. Does okay mean never feeling down, lost, hopeless? Does okay mean living a life of perfect equilibrium, knowing that there will always be ups and downs? The downs, the sadness that I am talking […]